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Task Coach 1.3.9

Autor Tema: Task Coach 1.3.9  (Leído 542 veces)

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Task Coach 1.3.9
« en: Marzo 13, 2012, 07:20:01 pm »
Nueva versión de Task Coach 1.3.9, un gestor de tareas con el que podremos crear, editar, eliminar tareas y subtareas de forma rápida y sencilla. Los cambios para la versión 1.3.9:

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- The drop down menu for the option ‘Schedule each next recurrence based on’ in the dates tab of the task edit dialog wasn’t being enabled when the user turned on the recurrence of a task. (3496505)
 - On Xubuntu, Task Coach would briefly show dialogs centered over the Task Coach main window before showing them on their destined location. (3496271)
 - When exporting to CSV with separate date and time columns, don’t write 31/12/9999 for empty dates. (3495429)
 - On Linux, honor the LC_TIME setting. (3495925)
 - After reading a task file with a deleted task that had a subtask with prerequisites, Task Coach would refuse to save the file. (3496986)

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