Disponible nueva versión de Cairo Dock 3.0.1, un gran Dock para nuestros sistemas GNU/Linux, esta nueva versión solucinona algunso bugs encontrados en versiones anteriores. La lista de cambios:
- Core:
Dock’s menu: fixed 2 annoying bugs with the menus: don’t hide if the dock is raised and don’t try to check if the mouse has left the dock if the menu is raised
Dialogues: fixed a bug where the dock could auto-hide when a modal dialogue was raised
Fixed a compilation error on Gentoo
Added a compilation option to not force the display of icons in menus
Dialogue: fixed a crash with gcc-4.7: the local variable (const gchar **) can be corrupted due to optimisations
Fixed a bug where the dock didn’t accept clicks when the mouse touches the screen edge (with auto-hide)
Fixed a bug where the hidden dock background colour was not updated properly
Class-Manager: fixed a bug with Windows applications whose name is in upper case (.EXE)
GUI: use cairo_dock_get_xwindow_class() to link a program with a launcher
French translations: fixed 2 small errors
- Plug-ins:
Gnome-integration: fixed the time&date command
KDE integration: fixed the time&date command
Updated previews of dustbin and logout
Updated the version of applets that can be always visible (for the new parameters)
Clock: numeric view: increased the size of the rectangle if an outline is used
+ modified the default colour
Clock: Added the possibility to have an outline
Use the core option to not force the display of icons in menus
Minor fixes in Sound Control’s .conf file
MusicPlayer: mpris2: metadata: trackid attribute should be of D-Bus type ‘o’
Switcher: fixed a possible crash (division by 0) if the X manager couldn’t get info from X + removed bMenuVisible
Clock: numeric mode: fixed a bug where the date was not displayed correctly (with OpenGL)
Clock: numeric mode: set a minimum size for the text: we keep the ratio until 12px
Logout: added a fallback method to get the users list if the accounts daemon service is not running
CMakeLists.txt: fixed a CMake warning (or error?)
Para instalar el Dock, debemos agregar su PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cairo-dock-team
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cairo-dock cairo-dock-plug-insvisto en ubuntips