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Linux Format Annual Volume 8, 2025 [ING]

Autor Tema: Linux Format Annual Volume 8, 2025 [ING]  (Leído 96 veces)

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Linux Format Annual Volume 8, 2025 [ING]
« en: Septiembre 13, 2024, 06:21:52 pm »
Linux Format is your complete guide to the world of Linux. Whether you’ve just discovered Linux, or you’re a full-time guru, Linux Format has everything you need to make the most of your OS. The editorial formula is a mix of features, reviews and practical tutorials that tackle topics as far ranging as installing software to socket programming and network management. Thought-provoking features and interviews also provide a focus on key technologies, trends and issues in the fast-paced world of Free and Open Source software.

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Formato: PDF
Idioma: Ingles

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